Clone wars admiral yularen
Clone wars admiral yularen

They can be loose because I will have them all set up at Christmas when he wakes up.

clone wars admiral yularen clone wars admiral yularen

So these are the figures that i could see that are important to the story that he is missing. So I am a huge Star Wars collector, but when Clone Wars started I passed, I did not care so much for the cartoon style.but as time has gone on my son has really gotten into the story and so have I and he has been wanting Clone Wars more than real figures, so i have started collecting for him but am in need of some of the older figures, I need most of the clones but will make a separate list of those. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide Affiliations: The Galactic Republic, The Galactic Empire One of the youngest members of the Republic's naval officer corps to hold the rank of Admiral, Wullf Yularen begins his career in the Senate Intelligence Bureau, but after years of dealing with corrupt Senators and officials, Yularen retires.

Clone wars admiral yularen